How dental implants trump dentures for replacing all your missing teeth

Dental implants are a long-term, natural-acting solution to tooth loss. They are the only permanent method by which a dentist can replace your missing teeth, and as long as you look after them properly, they could last a lifetime.

dental-implants-oxfordshireFor centuries, dentures were the only option available to people who had lost all of their natural teeth. The problem with traditional dentures is that they often become loose and unwieldy over time, which causes complications with eating, speaking, self-image and with confidence. We all know someone whose dentures have slipped out in public, and whilst they may have borne this with good humour on the outside, inside they may feel mortified.

Dental implants can solve these problems. They work by replacing the root parts of lost teeth – indeed, they are the only way to do this – and actively prevent the problem of bone loss, which is the reason behind common denture issues.

Implants are titanium screws or posts that are put in direct contact with the jaw bone in a small operation. Titanium is very compatible with the human body and actively supports bone growth. After a healing period (typically between three and six months) they will be fully integrated with your jaw bone, providing anchorage for your dentures that is similar to that of a natural root.

Amsel & Wilkins Banbury dental practice offers denture stabilisation with dental implants. This involves the placement of a series of implants (usually between four and six per jaw) on to which your dentures can then be attached.

Most people only require local anaesthetic for implant placement, and it is usually possible for you to keep wearing your dentures during healing, although your dentist will need to adjust them. Once the healing and integration process is complete, your dentist will see you again to attach your dentures to abutments on top of your implants.

You will still be able to remove your dentures to clean them as normal, but otherwise they will stay firmly in your mouth. This means you will be able to eat what you like, to speak and smile with confidence, with no fear of loose teeth getting in your way.