Fresh and healthy teeth

Taking care of your teeth at home is an essential part of maintaining good oral health. An oral hygiene routine that prevents the harmful build-up of plaque will help you to keep using your natural teeth for many decades. You reduce the risk of bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay when you keep your mouth clean.

hygienists-clean-and-polish-in-banburyHowever, some teeth are harder to clean than others. Because every tooth is differently shaped, and they don’t always emerge in the most convenient positions, awkward spaces can form. These are the spaces your toothbrush finds hard to properly cover. Maybe one tooth is slightly in front of another, or there’s a tiny gap between molars that seems to attract tiny particles of food. Conventional toothbrushes have a hard time removing plaque from places like these. Over time, the plaque hardens into tartar, which is very difficult to remove, and can lead to decay and gum disease.

Risks of tartar build up

Having a hygienist clean and polish in Banbury will make sure your teeth are as clean as they can be. Amsel & Wilkins use special tools to get into the nooks and crannies in your mouth and remove all the harmful layers of bacteria that have built up over time. Using ultrasonic scalers and tiny jets of water, the hygienist will address the oral hygiene issues you can’t take care of at home.

The hygienist will polish your teeth after the plaque and tartar have been removed. Using a specially-made toothbrush and toothpaste, every last bit of your teeth will be meticulously brushed. Afterwards, they’ll look much cleaner and feel remarkably fresh.

Future benefits

The clean and polish treatment helps to extend the life and improve the vitality of your teeth. Your oral hygiene routine can be seen as a partnership between you and your dental team. While you take care of your teeth and gums as well as you can at home, the hygienist will treat the tricky aspects with technology and skill. Together, patient and dentist lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, helping to keep teeth bright and healthy.