Dentist in Banbury, proactive rather than reactive

Modern dentistry has moved away from asking patients what conditions they are suffering from to a more informed discussion about the state of their teeth. At its core, preventive dentistry has the practice of proper routine maintenance, including regular six-monthly dental visits. At Amsel & Wilkins, our regularly updated records allow us to advise our patients on how well their part in taking care of their teeth is progressing. As a twenty-first-century dentist in Banbury, we work in tandem with our patients to achieve the same objective. Our friendly and efficient team all work together to maintain your teeth and gums so that your mouth stays healthy for a lifetime.


It’s all about you, the patient and teamwork

We are a passionate and dedicated team, but without your commitment, we can only achieve a certain result. Our chairside manner is designed around listening to what you want to achieve and guiding you on how to achieve that goal. Your first goal should be to maintain a healthy oral cavity for the duration of your lifetime. If we all do our part correctly, then the only dental visits you should attend are the regular six-monthly visits for examination and cleaning; that, for us, would be the golden standard!

Start young

If you have children, give them the gift of healthy teeth and gums! Your example will help them and make our job so much easier. As a community dentist in Banbury with a history of over forty years of service, we are proud to have guided so many patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums. We encourage those patients with children to bring their little ones in as early as possible; don’t worry, our friendly staff will take care of them while you are being treated.

You will be doing your children a massive favour because as they become more relaxed and comfortable with regular visits, any dental anxiety will be eradicated. When their first examination arrives, your work will be rewarded, and they will be relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair. We will also be able to identify early any conditions that may be starting to develop. Treatment can be performed early, and unnecessary dental appointments can be avoided.

Functionality first

Today as a dentist in Banbury, we receive numerous requests for cosmetic dentistry treatments, which we are happy to provide. Our primary concern is, of course, that your teeth can perform their basic function of chewing. Fortunately, if our preventive dentistry program has been followed, then your teeth should be functioning normally. Teeth straightening, for example, is considered cosmetic dentistry, but unless your teeth line up correctly, you cannot chew properly, and you may actually damage your teeth due to a misaligned bite. Teeth whitening and veneers are all procedures that we gladly offer to help you be proud of your smile.

Full range of treatments

We are pleased to offer our patients a full range of restorative, preventive and cosmetic treatments. We also provide some indulgent treatments for patients who wish to reduce the appearance of ageing. Our well-trained team offers anti-wrinkle and dermal filler treatments in our safe, sterile treatment rooms.